01 Jul 2024

Embracing a Closed Loop Approach: Inspiration from igus

At Cirplus, we constantly hear from customers and partners eager to set up or pilot their own closed-loop initiatives. This blog post aims to inspire you by explaining the benefits and challenges of closed-loop recycling and sharing an exemplary case of a company that has successfully implemented their own system.

igus engery chain and an arrow showing recyclates that are reused

What is a Closed Loop Approach?

A closed-loop approach in recycled plastics involves collecting, recycling, and reusing plastic materials to create new products. This method minimizes waste, reduces the need for virgin resources, and ensures that plastics are continuously repurposed, contributing to a circular economy.

Benefits and Challenges

Closed-loop approaches offer significant advantages:

  • Environmental Impact: Reduces waste, conserves resources, and lowers carbon emissions.

  • Economic Advantages: Offers cost savings, regulatory compliance, and enhanced supply chain resilience.

  • Social Benefits: Improves brand reputation, fosters consumer trust, and creates local jobs.

However, the reality of implementing a closed-loop system can be challenging. Here are a few key challenges:

  • Supply Chain Complexity: Managing the collection, sorting, processing, and distribution of recycled materials requires a well-coordinated supply chain. Ensuring consistent quality and overcoming logistical constraints can be difficult.

  • Cost Considerations: While using recycled plastics can reduce raw material costs, additional expenses are associated with collection, sorting, processing, and quality control.

  • Consumer Acceptance and Market Demand: Educating consumers about the benefits of recycled materials and ensuring transparency in the recycling process are crucial for driving demand.

Despite these challenges, achieving a closed-loop system is entirely possible with determination and effort—proving that where there's a will, there's a way. Let’s look at igus, a true pioneer in the industry, to see how they have successfully set up a closed-loop system.

igus and the chainge Program

igus, a manufacturer of high-performance polymers based in Cologne, Germany, has pioneered the chainge recycling program, focusing on reprocessing used e-chains (energy chains) into new products.

"What happens to our products at the end of their life?" This question prompted igus to launch the "chainge" program in 2019. Typically, post-consumer plastics lack sustainable reuse opportunities and end up incinerated. igus aims to end this linear economy by allowing customers to send their used energy chains to igus for recycling, regardless of the manufacturer, creating new products from them.

"Closing loops means creating a network of stakeholders committed to change and contributing to the circular economy. We knew we had to simplify the process for everyone involved. That’s why we engaged in extensive discussions with our customers to collaboratively organize the processes and found strong partners for recycling and transport. As a result, we're proud to offer the 'cradle-chain,' a product made from recycled plastics," said Lena Naumann, Head of Business Unit chainge.

Example of a used cradle chain:

black used cradle chain for recycling

To accelerate the circular economy transformation, igus even expanded its offering in October 2022 with the "Chainge" online platform. This platform allows users to transfer not only energy chains but also other engineering plastics like PA, POM, and PBT into the circular economy. Additionally, it offers a digital marketplace for purchasing selected recyclates. "Since we launched in 2019, more and more companies have been using our recycling program," says Lena Naumann, head of the Chainge division.

This program exemplifies how closed-loop recycling can be implemented effectively, showcasing both the benefits and the challenges overcome by igus.

Join Us in the Circular Economy

igus has shown that a closed-loop approach to recycling is both feasible and highly advantageous. We encourage other businesses to embark on this sustainable journey with us.

For more information about igus and their closed-loop approach, visit the chainge platform - recycling made easy by igus®.

Interested in Closed-Loop Recycling?

With our unparalleled experience and proprietary technology platform, we offer transparent visibility into quantities and qualities, ensure optimal logistics solutions, and create the essential network to establish closed-loop systems.

Get in touch to start your own closed-loop initiative.

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